Vocal Health Workshops

“It was very well structured. There was a great variety of listening & active participation. A lovely & relaxed environment was created! Lots of opportunities to ask questions!”

— C. Ezzat, Geography Teacher

100% enjoyed their workshop experience & learned new techniques to apply to their teaching.

100% would recommend it to other teachers and workplaces.

Sophie delivers Vocal Health Workshops for professional voice users in schools and workplaces. She is a member of Vocal Health Education and is a fully qualified Vocal Health First Aider.

She is available for individual Vocal Health coaching sessions as well as group workshops.

After a Vocal Health Workshop, attendees will be equipped with tools for their vocal health that can easily slot into a daily routine, instantly yielding benefits.

Topics covered include: -

  • The speaking voice

  • Debunking common vocal myths

  • Lifestyle & habits

  • Diaphragmatic breathing

  • Effective and economic voice use

“Super useful! I think more / all teachers need to be aware of this!”

— E. Curran, Sociology & Music Teacher

Alongside training professionals in the best use of their voice as their most important tool, the topics covered also overlap with effective wellbeing techniques that can provide far-reaching benefits.

The workshops can be tailored to the specific needs of your workplace - enquire below with your requirements and Sophie can customise your session accordingly.

More Information

Group Workshop Summary: The Teaching Voice: An Essential Tool